Dark Country (Released)


  • Number of bug fixes done Lands Leasing implemented in web and game client;
  • 5% more users use Dark Country lands;
  • Events and activities launched: that grew our audience on socials. 3 years anniversaire AMA session;
  • Monthly trading volume is depending on the month, in the recent month around 3 500 USD;
  • Android build, and tabled build are run for user testing mode now;
  • Guild wars to be released Nov 30 (internal update rolled out, final preparations);
  • Farming;
  • Standard Packs for SDM to sell.

In plans:

  1. More Android and IOS build testing;
  2. New Expansion set(new 40 cards) release;
  3. Big Balance patch;
  4. Unpacking in card trading game, SDM market in a card game as well;
  5. Heroes were added to gameplay for the card game;
  6. Items crafting;
  7. Leagues and Seasons as well as a daily ladder to release.

Atomic Notify bot in Telegram: @atomicnotifybot

  • updated stats on the bot: Users: 280, Wallets: 20, which is 5%+ growth from the previous report.

Collect.Social (Released)

On average we have 50 unique users for p2earn in the Gallery only, and 1000 games played per day;

  • Continue on ongoing auctions for Gallery Spots and RACOON tokens, with 6 spots per day auctioned (around 30 auctions done in November);
  • Collect.Social has 100 users according to DappRadar. Also, there are 100+ daily users (not yet tracking as users are not doing direct action via blockchain, it’s completed by our server once) for play-to-earn and over 6000 puzzle games played daily.

In plans:

  • Launching of the 3D gallery;
  • New Puzzles are to be launched as part of the p2earn approach, people can buy puzzles via RACOON token and receive WAX as prizes.